Category: Central Region News
Central Region Church Workers Conference
WINNIPEG – From May 29-31, Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Central Region held its 2023 Pastors and Deacons Conference at the Holiday Inn Airport West in Winnipeg, just down the road from Synod’s office. Doxology: The Lutheran Center for Spiritual Care and Counsel conducted this year’s conference…
Adult confirmation in Kakabeka Falls
KAKABEKA FALLS, Ont. – When Rev. Daniel W. Barr met Marj Ellis and Joni Gale just over a year ago, they seemed like two peas in a pod—the best of friends. In his early days at Redeemer Lutheran, he wondered if they might be sisters….
Churchbridge installs new pastor
CHURCHBRIDGE, Sask. – Rev. Airton Glitz was installed as pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Churchbridge on March 19, 2023, a beautiful, warm Sunday. Twelve pastors participated in the installation service. Rev. Lucas Albrecht from Mount Olive Lutheran (Regina) and a fellow Brazilian preached for…
Appreciation day for police and first responders
REGINA – An opportunity to learn, talk, hear stories, and share a meal together: this was again the aim of Mount Olive Lutheran’s annual appreciation meal for the city’s police and first responders, fire and emergency medical services (EMS), hosted on Wednesday, April 12, from…
Malabar Mission Society celebrates 33rd Anniversary
REGINA, SK – The Malabar Mission Society (MMS) held its Board Meeting and Annual General Meeting on April 22, 2023 at Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Regina, SK. Plans had been made in early 2020 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the MMS with a…
Trinity Winkler celebrates anniversaries
WINKLER, Man. – On October 29, 2022, the members of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Winkler held a special potluck dinner to celebrate two milestone anniversaries: 125 years since its first gathering as a congregation (the anniversary should have been marked in 2021 but wasn’t…