Category: East Region News
Atlantic Canada mission venture
by Ron Mohr ATLANTIC CANADA – “The Christian Church is a church in mission. From her Lord Himself she has received the mandate to ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation’ (Mark 16:15). In keeping with that mandate and…
The Quest for Life
by Rev. Paul Zabel When I lived in St. Louis and was attending Concordia Lutheran Seminary there was a local late night news reporter by the name of Julius Hunter. I remember his name because every night before he signed off, he reported or shared…
CLTS President’s new commentary on Ephesians now available
ST. CATHARINES, Ontario – In June, Concordia Publishing House (CPH) released the 28th volume of its landmark Concordia Commentary series. This volume (on Ephesians) was written by Rev. Dr. Thomas Winger, President of Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) in St. Catharines, Ontario. Dr. Winger’s commentary unfolds…
Update: Iranian refugee’s deportation delayed
TORONTO – Yesterday The Canadian Lutheran reported the urgent need of Seyed Mustafa Moosavy Khansary, an Iranian convert to Christianity who was facing imminent deportation back to Iran yesterday evening. That action was cancelled yesterday afternoon. “Good News! Praise God!” wrote Rev. J. Derek Mathers…
Lutheran pastor calls on Canadian Government to delay imminent deportation of Iranian convert to Christianity amidst fears for his life
UPDATE: Khansary’s deportation (scheduled for June 23, 2015) was cancelled hours before it took place. The Canadian Lutheran has posted an update here. TORONTO – Members of the Church of St. Luke Lutheran in Toronto expressed dismay at the news that the Government of Canada…
LCC facing deficit budget; East District makes special gift
KITCHENER, Ontario – On May 6, the final day of the East District’s convention, President Paul Zabel announced that the district was making a special gift of $100,000 to Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC), to assist Synod as it faces an operating deficit this year. “This gift…