Category: East Region News
A long-distance relationship: Technology and far-flung parishes
by James Morgan To call the East District’s Ottawa Circuit big is an understatement. It includes not only every Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) parish in Ottawa, but also Timmins (Ontario) and all of Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. Previously, pastors in LCC’s…
Diamond Jubilee medals awarded in East District
MISSISSAUGA, Ont. – In commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and in recognition of contributions to Canada, two Diamond Jubilee Medals were awarded in the East District of Lutheran Church–Canada. East District President Rev. Paul Zabel and Greater Toronto Area Intercultural…
East District Convention Update
The East District of Lutheran Church–Canada re-elected Rev. Paul Zabel as its president at its 2012 convention May 7. Also elected were Rev. Timothy Teuscher as First Vice President, Rev. Ron Mohr as Second Vice President, and Mrs. Lois Griffin as Secretary. The East District is…
FaithLife Financial volunteer hours reach all-time high
WATERLOO, Ont. – The 360 chapters of FaithLife Financial and their members supported initiatives within their communities and around the world for a total of 90,732 volunteer hours in 2011—an all-time high the equivalent of $1,360,973.* President and CEO Karen Bjerland said, “I am very thankful…
Seeds planted by East District sprout in Quebec
by Rev. Dr. David H. Somers QUEBEC CITY, Que. – What happens to the generous offerings gathered by appeals such as the East District’s 125th anniversary special offering? Both ventures in outreach, two projects in Quebec yield different answers. In Quebec City, building on the co-operation…
Teaching English in Nicaragua
by Liz Mellecke Last May I found a page on Lutheran Church–Canada’s website about a short term ESL mission opportunity in Nicaragua. As I was interested, I contacted the office with a little overview of who I am. I had been to Nicaragua twice before. First,…