Category: East Region News
Newsletter named
KITCHENER, Ont. – What to name the new bimonthly East District newsletter? A general call went out for suggestions, and several people responded with variations on ED or Eden. Of these, The EDen Report made the cut as the new moniker. Tokens of appreciation went…
Parishes merge; install shared pastor
WEST LORNE, Ont. – On April 25 Redeemer Lutheran Church (St. Thomas, Ont.) and Grace Lutheran Church (West Lorne) officially formed a dual parish and installed Rev. Don Schieman as their pastor. Rev. Schieman has served as pastor of Redeemer alone since July 2009. After…
Ukrainian introduces sushi and God’s Word
KITCHENER — God’s crazy about food. Just ask Ukrainian seminarian Oleg Schewtschenko. The soon-to-be-ordained minister used sushi and other Japanese delicacies February 28 to show 35 youths how God uses food to reach his people. The afternoon of fun, food and fellowship took place at…
Lutherans, Muslims, Jews discuss faith’s challenges
ST. CATHARINES, Ontario – It’s challenging to be a “fool” in the eyes of a secular society, believing in an ultimate truth in an age of postmodernism, says Andrew Korchok a member of Brock University’s Lutheran Student Fellowship (LSF). Korchok, who attends Trinity Lutheran Church,…
Ontario congregation begins 175th year
Historic St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Kitchener kicked off its 175th Anniversary year, Sunday, January 3. Here is a report from CTV News
St. Paul’s gears up for sesquicentennial
December 18, 2009 By: Kaite Edmonds ObserverXtra The congregation and staff at St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Elmira are working months in advance to prepare for their 150th anniversary celebrations coming up next October, and to start the celebrations off right they are publishing…