Category: East Region News
Historic St. Paul’s announces affordable housing project
KITCHENER, Ont. – On September 8, Historic St. Paul’s (HSP) hosted M.P. Bardish Chagger, M.P. Tim Louis, Associate Housing Minister Rob Flack, Regional Councillor Jim Erb, and Mayor Berry Vrbanovic for a funding announcement and official launch of the church’s affordable housing project. Almost four…
Zion in Dashwood celebrates 150 years
DASHWOOD, Ont. – Zion Lutheran Church celebrated 150 years of service to the community on August 6 with hymns of praise and thanksgiving to God for His great care and support. The congregation included the entire village in the celebration by highlighting the church’s ongoing…
Four pastors celebrate ordination anniversaries
COLLINGWOOD, Ont. – On July 8, a special celebration occurred at the home of Bob and Ruth Klages, members of Christ our Hope in Collingwood. They were able to celebrate special ordination anniversaries of their pastor, their son, and two sons-in-law! A celebratory cake was…
Young Adults hold retreat in Toronto
TORONTO – East District Lutheran Young Adults (EDLYA) hosts four retreats a year at various churches in the East Region to encourage fellowship, new relationships, and growth in Christ. This year’s Spring Retreat was hosted by Trinity Lutheran Church in Toronto, and was the group’s…
Shoe-Fest in Cobourg a blessing to Ukrainian refugees
COBOURG, Ont. – St. Paul Lutheran Church’s Ukraine project began in 2022. Unused space in the building quickly filled up with donations of gently used clothing, furniture, and housewares. Through social media, the church welcomed the community’s newcomers from Ukraine by offering a free “shopping”…
Laurentian District LWMLC news
EAST REGION – In the Laurentian District of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League – Canada (LWMLC) that spans 3,000 kilometers and six provinces, the desire to meet one another, whether online or in person, increases as the members talk together about Christ’s love and His…