Category: East Region News
Installation of Rev. Rinas in new dual parish
HANOVER, Ont. – After discussions commenced in May 2022 between the two congregations, an agreement became effective on January 1, 2023, for the new dual parish of St. John’s in Clifford and First St. Matthew’s in Hanover. Neither congregation is new to the multi-point parish…
Evangelist commissioned to Niagara area
ST. CATHARINES, Ont. – On Sunday, September 11, 2022, Poya Zamani was commissioned and installed as a Lutheran Church–Canada evangelist to the Muslim population in the Niagara area of Ontario. Poya’s gifts for compassionate conversation and fearless faith were seen in action shortly after his…
LWMLC Toronto holds Fall Rally
COBOURG, Ont. – The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League-Canada (LWMLC) Toronto Zone gathered at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Cobourg for their Fall Rally on Saturday, October 1, 2022. The theme was “Be Strong and Courageous,” from Joshua 1:9, with the pastor at St. Paul’s, Rev….
Walking together
BURLINGTON, Ont. – The first weekend in November held on to the beautiful fall weather Southern Ontario saw in the month of October. And, with grateful hearts for the good weather and opportunity for fellowship, over 50 members of various Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) East Region…
The joy of Bible class
WINDSOR, Ont. – Rev. Robert Bugbee and members of First Lutheran Church rejoice over the strong response to adult Bible classes in the fall of 2022, offered weekly between the two Sunday services in the church auditorium. “During the lockdown we went months without being…
St. Paul’s Cobourg purchases church building
COBOURG, Ont. – St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church celebrated Reformation Sunday on October 30, 2022, with an extra special celebration of thanksgiving for being able to purchase the church building from the East District’s church extension fund in July. A group picture was followed by…