Category: Regional News
Rev. Wayne Lunderby retires
CHILLIWACK, B.C. – Rev. Wayne Lunderby has retired as pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church after serving the congregation for 27 years. Rev. Lunderby graduated from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, in May 1981, and did his vicarage at Lutheran Church of the…
Church workers’ conference on prayer
KENORA, Ont. – The Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario church workers’ conference took place October 7-9 at Luther Village under the theme of “Prayer.” Thirteen church workers gathered to pray and study prayer together, charting the use and form of prayer from the Psalms and Collects, through our…
Pastors’ wives hold retreat
QU’APPELLE VALLEY, Sask. – From Sept 13-15, ten pastors’ wives gathered at Camp Lutherland, in the beautiful Qu’Appelle Valley about an hour northeast of Regina, for their second in-person retreat. There’s nothing like getting away from regular routines and gathering face-to-face in a retreat setting…
Rev. Dr. Harold Ruf, former District President, called to glory
ALBERTA – Rev. Dr. Harold Edmund Ruf, former President of the Alberta-British Columbia (ABC) District, was called to glory early in the morning of December 12, 2024. He was 90 years old. Dr. Ruf was first elected to serve as ABC District President in 1988,…
New shoes for school
DRUMHELLER, Alta. – For ten years, Grace Lutheran Church has been involved in helping kids go back to school. A decade ago they tried a new idea called “new shoes for school” where the church offered a new pair of running shoes to any child…
Book launch for The Christmas Elephant story book
ST. CATHARINES, Ont. – At Heritage Christian Book Store on October 19, it was like “Christmas in July” in October. People came in wearing short sleeves and sandals to meet author Maria Antonia and hear her read from her first children’s book, The Christmas Elephant:…