Category: Regional News
ABC District calls for restructuring Synod, President Schiemann gives final report
CALGARY – On May 23, delegates to the 2015 ABC District Convention adopted a resolution calling for the restructuring of Lutheran Church–Canada. Resolution 2015-01-05A, “To petition Synod for an immediate review and implementation of a new synodical structure,” 2015-01-05A “To petition Synod for an immediate…
ABC District elects new president, discusses CEF/DIL situation
CALGARY – May 23 saw the Alberta-British Columbia District Convention elect a new District President: Rev. Dr. Glenn Schaeffer. President Elect Schaeffer was elected District President on the fourth ballot, receiving 75 votes to Rev. Laverne Hautz’ 71 votes (there were five spoiled ballots). Dr….
ABC District asks LCC to appoint Interim Pastoral Leader
CALGARY – On May 22, the Alberta-British Columbia (ABC) District opened its 10th regular triennual convention, held at Prince of Peace Lutheran School in Calgary. The first session of convention business began Friday evening, with the first resolution to be considered primarily a matter of…
LCC facing deficit budget; East District makes special gift
KITCHENER, Ontario – On May 6, the final day of the East District’s convention, President Paul Zabel announced that the district was making a special gift of $100,000 to Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC), to assist Synod as it faces an operating deficit this year. “This gift…
Winnipeg’s Oromo community draws attention to slaughter of Christians in Libya
WINNIPEG – Following the April release of a video showing Islamic State militants beheading Ethiopian Christians in Libya, Oromo Christians throughout Canada observed three days of fasting and prayer May 1-3 to draw attention to the plight of persecuted Christians across the globe. The Oromo…
Making the most out of life
by Paul Zabel “Joseph is a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough by a spring; his branches run over the wall.” (Genesis 49: 22) Chapter 49 in the Book of Genesis is often referred to as the “Blessing of Jacob.” And rightly so, for in this…