Category: Regional News
Pastors and people: together in missions
WATERLOO, Ont. – How do we as Lutherans engage the world in outreach? What issues are we up against? What do the Scriptures and the Confessions say about these things? And what is each person’s individual role? The Series Four Doctrinal Unity Conference addressed these questions,…
Newsletter named
KITCHENER, Ont. – What to name the new bimonthly East District newsletter? A general call went out for suggestions, and several people responded with variations on ED or Eden. Of these, The EDen Report made the cut as the new moniker. Tokens of appreciation went…
Parishes merge; install shared pastor
WEST LORNE, Ont. – On April 25 Redeemer Lutheran Church (St. Thomas, Ont.) and Grace Lutheran Church (West Lorne) officially formed a dual parish and installed Rev. Don Schieman as their pastor. Rev. Schieman has served as pastor of Redeemer alone since July 2009. After…
District board continues search for new office
REGINA – After looking at a feasibility study, the Central District Board of Directors opted not to move the district office to Winnipeg, where space exists in the Synod office building. With 61 of the district’s 95 congregations in Saskatchewan, the board believed any savings…
Dual parish receives pastor
NEEPAWA, Man. – Rev. Mark Just became pastor of Christ/St. Paul’s (Neepawa/McCreary) on May 2. District president Rev. Thomas Prachar served as officiant, Rev. Edmund Mielke (Grace, Brandon) as liturgist and Judy Gabler, organist. Area clergy participated as well: Revs. Jacob Quast (Church of the…
A very special confirmation and welcome
Confirmation REGINA – Nathan Hubick and Angelina Patterson became members of Mount Olive Lutheran Church through the Rite of Confirmation, Sunday, January 10. Nathan and Angelina took a series of classes with Rev. Ted Giese using special materials from Concordia Publishing House. The congregation is…