Category: Regional News
B.C. church workers’ conference
SORRENTO, B.C. – The B.C. church workers met for their conference from October 23-27 in Sorrento. The main speaker was Concordia Lutheran Seminary’s interim president, Rev. Dr. Joel Heck. Dr. Heck, who is a renowned expert on C. S. Lewis, enlightened those in attendance with…
Historic St. Paul’s announces affordable housing project
KITCHENER, Ont. – On September 8, Historic St. Paul’s (HSP) hosted M.P. Bardish Chagger, M.P. Tim Louis, Associate Housing Minister Rob Flack, Regional Councillor Jim Erb, and Mayor Berry Vrbanovic for a funding announcement and official launch of the church’s affordable housing project. Almost four…
Grace Lutheran celebrates 75th anniversary
PORT ALBERNI, B.C. – On Sunday, September 24, members of Grace Lutheran Church, along with guests, family, and friends, gathered for a celebration of the church’s 75th anniversary (1948-2023). The theme was “Hold Fast, God Is Faithful,” drawing on Hebrews 10:23: “Let us hold fast…
From Here 2 There
OSOYOOS, B.C. – Rev. Darren and Karin Siegle were pleasantly surprised on July 6 when a call came from an old acquaintance in ministry, Rev. James Vosper. He and his son Joshua had arrived in Osoyoos on a very hot day on their bicycles! The…
Zion in Dashwood celebrates 150 years
DASHWOOD, Ont. – Zion Lutheran Church celebrated 150 years of service to the community on August 6 with hymns of praise and thanksgiving to God for His great care and support. The congregation included the entire village in the celebration by highlighting the church’s ongoing…
NW Ontario Circuit retreat
THUNDER BAY, Ont. – From September 11-13, seven pastors from the northwest Ontario Circuit (five active and two retired) gathered at Aurora Lutheran Bible Camp, just outside of Thunder Bay, for a time of reflection and renewal in God’s Word. They studied St. Paul’s first…