Category: Regional News
Whole Armour of God retreat
PRINCE ALBERT, Sask. – The weekend of November 17-18, 2023, saw the gathering of members from parishes in the Northland Circuit for a retreat at Camp Kinasao, just northwest of Prince Albert. The theme for the retreat was taken from Ephesians 6:11—“Put on the whole…
St. Paul’s faith legacy celebration
CHILLIWACK, B.C. – In 1923, Lutheran missionary Rev. V.L. Meyer began work in the Fraser Valley. Traveling from Vancouver, he brought the Word of God to a little group of Lutherans. From those humble beginnings, the Lord raised up St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, where 100…
Pastors’ wives retreat
FORT QU’APPELLE, Sask. – From September 15-17, twelve pastors’ wives gathered at Camp Lutherland, in the beautiful Qu’Appelle Valley about an hour east of Regina, for their inaugural in-person retreat. The leadership team for pastors’ wives in the Central Region was birthed during the pandemic….
Alberta church workers’ conference
EDMONTON – The Alberta pastors and deacons met September 12-14, 2023, at the Providence Renewal Centre, hosted by the Edmonton Circuit. They were blessed to have Rev. David C. Fleming, Executive Director for Spiritual Care, and Dr. Beverly K. Yahnke, Executive Director for Christian Counsel,…
B.C. church workers’ conference
SORRENTO, B.C. – The B.C. church workers met for their conference from October 23-27 in Sorrento. The main speaker was Concordia Lutheran Seminary’s interim president, Rev. Dr. Joel Heck. Dr. Heck, who is a renowned expert on C. S. Lewis, enlightened those in attendance with…
Historic St. Paul’s announces affordable housing project
KITCHENER, Ont. – On September 8, Historic St. Paul’s (HSP) hosted M.P. Bardish Chagger, M.P. Tim Louis, Associate Housing Minister Rob Flack, Regional Councillor Jim Erb, and Mayor Berry Vrbanovic for a funding announcement and official launch of the church’s affordable housing project. Almost four…