Category: West Region News
Zion in Prince George celebrates 100th anniversary
PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. – From October 12-13, 2024, Zion Lutheran Church and Christian School celebrated their 100th anniversary as a congregation (the school is 25 years old). In 1924, faithful souls of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod organized what became known as Connaught Hill Evangelical Lutheran…
St. Matthew in Stony Plain celebrates 130th anniversary
STONY PLAIN, Alta. – Two major milestones were celebrated on Sunday, October 27, 2024, at St. Matthew Lutheran Church. The first was the anniversary of the Reformation of Martin Luther and the nailing of the 95 Theses to the front doors of the Wittenburg Church….
God in Man Made Manifest
by Robert Mohns In a recent interview, a man introduced as the champion of progressive news bemoaned the human condition, claiming it has come to lack the “progressive gene type.” He concluded that humanity has no capacity for progressive thought. The progressivism that he spoke…
Rev. Wayne Lunderby retires
CHILLIWACK, B.C. – Rev. Wayne Lunderby has retired as pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church after serving the congregation for 27 years. Rev. Lunderby graduated from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, in May 1981, and did his vicarage at Lutheran Church of the…
Rev. Dr. Harold Ruf, former District President, called to glory
ALBERTA – Rev. Dr. Harold Edmund Ruf, former President of the Alberta-British Columbia (ABC) District, was called to glory early in the morning of December 12, 2024. He was 90 years old. Dr. Ruf was first elected to serve as ABC District President in 1988,…
New shoes for school
DRUMHELLER, Alta. – For ten years, Grace Lutheran Church has been involved in helping kids go back to school. A decade ago they tried a new idea called “new shoes for school” where the church offered a new pair of running shoes to any child…