Category: West Region News
Good Shepherd Valleyview building fire
by Michelle Heumann VALLEYVIEW, Alta. – Late in the evening of July 26, 2020, the building belonging to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, a historical storefront located on Main Street, caught on fire. Rev. Shiekh Lief Mauricio, who has been the pastor there since 2019, reports…
Virtual VBS at Foothills Lutheran Church
by Miriam Winstanley CALGARY, Alta. – Normally Foothills Lutheran runs two weeks of VBS, with many children coming who have attended the Preschool ministry of the congregation. In early January, the church staff put together an outline for this year’s program (this is the sixth year that the staff have written a program in-house) and began recruiting volunteers. Registration opened in early March,…
LCC youth gatherings announce date changes
CANADA – The co-chairs of the Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) National Youth Gathering (NYG) and the co-chairs of the IMPACT Youth Gathering (formerly the ABC District Youth Gathering) have released a video talking about the upcoming change to the dates for both gatherings. At the beginning…
Request for prayers for Fort McMurray and surrounding communities amid flooding
by Keith Haberstock ALBERTA – Every 20 years or so Fort McMurray goes through a major flood as our three converging rivers form a major ice jam that forces waters to flow back into the city. That’s what began Sunday morning on April 26, 2020….
Fifth anniversary of rebooted University of Calgary campus ministry
CALGARY – Foothills Lutheran Church was originally named Varsity Hill Lutheran, and the first pastor, Rev. Paul Schmidt, was called in 1965 to be the part-time University of Calgary chaplain. The Lutheran students’ club had a designated room in the parsonage, with regular meetings there…
Transition for LAMP missionary “a time for both joy and sadness”
WARMAN, Saskatchewan – A new chapter began with tears of both joy and sadness as the congregational leaders of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Warman, Saskatchewan blessed and sent their pastor of 18 years into the mission field. Rev. Randy Heide will serve with…