Category: West Region News
Upcoming Free Quest Course on C.S. Lewis’ Narnia
ONLINE – Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS) in Edmonton is planning its next Quest Course: “Narnia for Adults: Introduction to the Chronicles of Narnia,” set to begin at the end of January 2017. The series explores the Narnia books from a grown-up perspective, covering the series…
Enrolment open for 2017 Pastor’s Sabbatical Week
EDMONTON – Concordia Lutheran Seminary has opened up enrolment for its 2017 Pastor’s Sabbatical Week, which will take place June 6-8, 2017 in Edmonton. The event will feature three speakers: Rev. Dr. Charles P. Arand, professor of systematic theology at Concordia Seminary (St. Louis, Missouri),…
Grace Lutheran in Osoyoos closes school
OSOYOOS, B.C. – On August 28, Grace Lutheran Church brought its twenty-six year ministry with Good Shepherd Christian School to an end, as Rev. Darren Siegle, at the request of the chairman, closed the school in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy…
Goerz appointed ABC District News Editor
ALBERTA/BRITISH COLUMBIA – The Alberta-British Columbia District has appointed a new editor for the ABC District News section of The Canadian Lutheran. Laura Goerz has accepted the position, beginning with the November-December issue of the magazine. Goerz is a regular contributor to Tapestry, the national…
Big Changes for the BC Mission Boat Society
BRITISH COLUMBIA – The BC Mission Boat Society (BCMBS) has announced that their Executive Director, Marcus Huff, has accepted a call to serve a parish in Michigan, and that they are using this transitional time to evaluate the mission agency’s current operation structure. “Marcus isn’t…
The Glorious and Not so Glorious Office
by Nolan Astley Way back in 1960, Rev. Dr. A. H. Schwermann, then President of Concordia College in Edmonton, wrote a chapter in a book called The Pastor at Work. His focus was on the doctrine of the call, but early in his chapter Schwermann,…