Category: West Region News
Interim Pastoral Leader to conclude service in Alberta and British Columbia
WINNIPEG – Rev. Nolan D. Astley, the Interim Pastoral Leader for Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) congregations in Alberta and British Columbia during the past year, will officially conclude his work in this role on September 1, 2016. The Interim Pastoral Leader arrangement was implemented after the…
Court approves ABC District and DIL Plans
EDMONTON – On July 15, the Alberta-British Columbia District Group had a court hearing during which they applied for an Order sanctioning the District Plan and District Investments Ltd. (DIL) Plan. On August 2, the court rendered its decision, sanctioning both plans for implementation following…
Are You Filled with the Holy Spirit?
by Nolan Astley Like me, you may have some Christian friends who talk a great deal about being filled with the Holy Spirit. Though they do not mean to sound arrogant, they often come across as if they think themselves to be a cut above…
CLS hosts weekend retreat for those interested in exploring the pastoral ministry
EDMONTON – From May 13-15, Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS – Edmonton) held a weekend retreat for young men interested in exploring the pastoral ministry. Six young men, mostly high school students, joined seminarians and faculty in sample classes in exegetical, systematic, historical, and practical theology….
CLWR invites LCC congregations to submit proposals for Fort McMurray projects
ALBERTA – In response to the Fort McMurray Wildfire, Canadian Lutheran World Relief (LCC) is inviting Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) groups and congregations in Alberta to apply for funding for projects that will benefit the congregations and people of Fort McMurray. Funds will come from the…
ABC District seeking editor
ALBERTA/BRITISH COLUMBIA – The Alberta-British Columbia District continues to seek an editor for the ABC District News section in The Canadian Lutheran. Those interested in volunteering for this unpaid position are invited to contact Janice Ruf, Senior Manager of District Services at In the…