Category: West Region News
District editor position now open
EDMONTON – With the November/December 2015 issue, Jon Teschke completes his service as interim editor of the ABC District News section of The Canadian Lutheran. Teschke had served in the role since the March/April 2015 issue of the magazine. “I am very thankful for the…
Concordia Lutheran Seminary seeking faculty member
EDMONTON – Concordia Lutheran Seminary in Edmonton seeks to call a full-time faculty member specializing in the Old Testament. Candidates meriting serious consideration will be ordained pastors of Lutheran Church-Canada or one of its partner-churches who possess significant parish experience, an earned terminal degree (Th.D…
The CREW is back on the road
CANADA – The CREW is headed back on the road throughout late November 2015 for a “Christmas Tour” concert series throughout Lower Mainland, B.C. , with plans for another concert series in Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois in March 2016. They also hint at the possibility…
ABC District President Installed, LCC Pastoral Leader Commissioned
EDMONTON – On October 4, Concordia Lutheran Church in Edmonton hosted a special vespers service to mark the installation of Rev. Dr. Glenn Schaeffer as President of the Alberta-British Columbia District and the commissioning of Rev. Nolan Astley as Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Interim Pastoral Leader…
LCC indicates willingness to receive the Lutheran Historical Institute
EDMONTON – Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Board of Directors has responded to the ABC District Convention’s offer to gift the Lutheran Historical Institute (LHI) to LCC, saying they are willing to accept the archives if it is determined they are legally allowed to do so. In…
Update on the ABC District Situation – September 3, 2015
The Alberta-British Columbia (ABC) District group had their most recent court date on August 28, at which time the Court approved an extension of the Stay of Proceedings until October 30, 2015. By that time, the court-appointed Monitor, Deloitte Restructuring Inc., anticipates the District will…