Category: West Region News
Giving thanks for Karen Lyons
EDMONTON – The Canadian Lutheran gives thanks for the faithful service of Karen Lyons, who recently completed her service as editor of the ABC District News. She served as editor for the section for nearly three years, from the July/August 2012 issue through January 2015….
Update on the ABC District situation – February 24, 2015
NOTE: The following is a summary of information on the current financial situation taking place in the ABC District, and is derived from media reports, official statements, and other communications. On February 20, the Alberta-British Columbia District and affiliated entities (collectively “the District Group”) were…
President Schiemann on ABC District situation
by Donald Schiemann My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, At some time or another everyone faces a major crisis in his or her life. It could be entirely of one’s own making; it could be entirely the result of another’s actions; it could be…
President Bugbee issues pastoral letter on ABC District situation
The following pastoral letter was issued last week by Lutheran Church–Canada’s President Robert Bugbee to all congregations, pastors, and deacons of LCC. The letter was sent with the request that all congregations read it publicly during worship on February 8, and that they make it…
An update on the ABC District situation
NOTE: The following is a summary of information on the financial situation taking place in the ABC District, and is derived from news reports, official statements, and other communications The ABC District has announced that the District, ABC District Investments Limited (DIL), Encharis Community and…
A summary of the ABC District CEF situation
NOTE: The following is a summary of information on the current financial situation taking place in the ABC District, and is derived from news reports, official statements, and other communications. It is supplemented with new comments from LCC President Robert Bugbee. On January 5, the…