Category: West Region News
German country-western tunes at Stampede Breakfast
CALGARY – Every year for 10 days in July, Calgary celebrates its cowboy roots with the Calgary Stampede. Many businesses, associations and churches join the fun by hosting a Stampede Breakfast. St. Matthew in Bridgeland—a dual German/English-language congregation—chose Sunday, July 11, for its breakfast and…
Pastor takes reins at Golden Spike
GOLDEN SPIKE, Alta. – On June 27 Zion Lutheran Church welcomed Rev. James Fritsche as its pastor, installed by circuit counsellor Rev. Darren Siegle. Rev. Dr. Ralph Mayan (LCC president emeritus) preached for the occasion; Rev. Roland Kubke (St. John’s, Beach Corner) served as liturgist,…
Military salute for retiring chaplain
OSOYOOS, B.C. – On Sunday, May 16, as Rev. Maj. (retired) Chuck Cooley stepped down from full-time ministry, he received accolades from Rev. Gen. David Kettle, chaplain general of the Canadian Forces. Chief Clarence Louie of the Osoyoos Indian Band presented Rev. Cooley with a…
Learning to be caring visitors
RED DEER, Alta. – Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church’s Board of Caring Ministry sponsored a Christian Caregiving seminar to help train members in hospital and congregational visitation skills. Board chair Dorothy McGrandle invited Rev. Ken Rodeman and Rev. Dr. Harold Witte from the Lutheran Hospital Ministry…
From the President
In its recent bailout package, the United States committed to helping faltering industries to the tune of more than 1 trillion dollars. A trillion dollars! I’ve never been able to wrap my head around what a billion is, let alone a trillion. To help put…
Overflow crowd for 100th
HANNA, Alta. – At the 100th anniversary of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in the Hand Hills, northeast of Drumheller, a crowd of more than 100 filled the little church and overflowed outside to hear God’s word preached by Rev. Richard Klein, who served St. Paul’s…