Category: General
CLTS staff member writes children’s book
ST. CATHARINES – Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) recently celebrated the launch of a children’s book written by one of its staff members who goes by the pen name Maria Antonia. “Barnaby the Runaway Sheep” is a story of trust, telling the tale of a…
The Holy Arm of the Lord
by Alex Vieira At Christmas, we often think of Jesus as a small, vulnerable baby in the manger, yet we are also reminded that He is far more than He appears: He is God’s Son and our Saviour. But the prophet Isaiah invites us to…
A Saviour is Born—For You and Your Neighbour
by Martin Luther Christ for You It is of no value merely to believe that the story of the birth of Jesus is true as it is written. The right and gracious faith which God demands is that you firmly believe that Christ is born…
Then With Shepherds Let Us Go
by Timothy Teuscher In the familiar account of the nativity of our Lord from St. Luke’s Gospel, we come across a number of individuals. First and foremost, of course, is the “Babe lying in a manger” (Luke 2:7), our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Then…
New shoes for school
DRUMHELLER, Alta. – For ten years, Grace Lutheran Church has been involved in helping kids go back to school. A decade ago they tried a new idea called “new shoes for school” where the church offered a new pair of running shoes to any child…
New issue of Lutheran Theological Review
CANADA – The 2024 volume of Lutheran Theological Review (LTR) has now been released, and is available to read for free online. “This new volume of LTR has coalesced around historical themes,” Rev. Dr. Thomas Winger notes in a foreword. “This did not happen by…