Celebrating the Reformation in Nicaragua

Pastors at the ILSN’s Reformation anniversary celebration in Chinandega.
KITCHENER, Ontario – A short-term mission team made up of Rev. Roland Syens, his wife Anita, along with DPS Intern Lenora Wallden from Holy Cross Lutheran Church and Erika Brandt from Bethel Lutheran Church in Kitchener, Ontario went to Nicaragua from October 25-November 2, 2017. The group spent seven days filled with different ministry events, and were able to visit many of the churches in the area around Chinandega as well as churches in Leon all the way up to Sebaco.
A major event during that time was the Reformation anniversary celebration which took place October 31 at the Mission Centre in Chinandega. More than 300 attended and heard about God’s love for us in “Christ Alone – Christ Forever.” Music featured Reformation hymns and other Scripture songs in Spanish. Most of the pastors gathered together on the main stage in albs with red stoles, with a number reading the lessons and leading the liturgy. Rev. Syens shared a message on how we are saved by grace through faith, based on Romans 1:16-17. He used a number of simple stories and illustrations to help those listening understand that Christ has come to forgive sins and that He has won victory over death and the devil and gives life abundantly. Just as Luther had brought a reformation in the church, Christ continues to bring reformation in our lives as He has made us His own through our baptism and faith in Christ and how He keeps us in His grace.
The Nicaraguan church is rich with God’s grace, and He has blessed them with much growth over the years. Materially speaking, however, the people are very poor and welcome all the help they can get. They are grateful for the partnership in the Gospel that Lutheran Church–Canada has given to them. They are grateful for the work and ministry of Concordia Lutheran Mission Society, the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada, and the many LCC congregations and individuals that have helped support many of the projects in Nicaragua. That support makes a difference in the lives of so many people in countless ways—from the children’s education and feeding programs, to school supplies, to the support of deaconesses and pastors, to the building and upkeep of churches, to the ongoing ministry of the Gospel.
“This was my first trip to Nicaragua and I could see God’s love working through the pastors, deaconesses and people of Nicaragua and through the partnership that you the members and friends of LCC have given through your prayers, financial support, and sending of individuals and teams to God’s people in Nicaragua,” noted Rev. Syens. “Thank you for giving to the Lord in this way.”
During the trip, the Canadian group also participated in the ILSN’s National Youth Gathering on October 28-29 (see page 30). On October 30, Anita Syens and DPS Intern Lenora Wallden had opportunity to gather the deaconesses together for some practical teaching as they looked at how Jesus cares for His people and empowers them to care for others.
Rev. Roland Syens is pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Kitchener, Ontario.