Central District Convention update
- Rev. Jonathan Fisk
The Central District of Lutheran Church–Canada is in the midst of its 2012 Convention, being held in Moose Jaw (Saskatchewan). On the evening of April 23, delegates and guests gathered at Emmanuel Lutheran Church (Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan) for opening worship. Rev. John Kreutzwieser served as liturgist, while Revs. Randy Kleemola and Brad Julien served as lectors. President Robert Bugbee gave the sermon address.
The convention began in earnest the morning of April 24. Significant news of the day included the acclamation of Rev. Thomas Prachar as president of the district for a fifth term. Elected or acclaimed to serve as Vice-Presidents include Rev. Michael Keith for the Regina Region, Rev. James Vosper for the Saskatoon Region, Rev. David Haberstock for the Thunder Bay Region, Rev. Mark L. Smith for the Winnipeg Region, and Rev. Arron Gust for the Yorkton Region. Elected or acclaimed to serve as lay members on the Board of Directors include Wayne Gust for the Regina Region, Daryl Walter for the Saskatoon Reigion, Michael Maunula for the Thunder Bay Region, Eileen Turner for the Winnipeg Region, and Gloria Rathgeber for the Yorkton Region.
Guest speaker Rev. Jonathan Fisk of Worldview Everlasting fame presented the first part of his presentation entitled “Thy Word,” drawn from the convention theme: “Your Word… a Lamp and a Light (Psalm 119:105).” Videos of the presentations will be posted online at a later date.
For more news, visit the Convention website. Follow the conversation on Twitter: #cedico2012.