Circuit gathers for presentation on the impact of media
GRIMSBY, Ont. – What started as an idea in November at the joint Hamilton-Niagara Winkel quickly came together as a lively event at the beginning of January. With Rev. Ted Giese of Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Regina, Saskatchewan, scheduled to teach a short-term class at Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary in St. Catharines, the local pastors hoped to make the most of his time in Ontario: Rev. Giese was invited to speak at a joint circuit event, called “Under the Influence: Recognizing the Impact of the Media on the Life of a Christian.”
A crowd of 90 faithful braved the winter snow to gather at Christ Our Saviour (Grimsby) for the January 11 event. The church was full! Attendees included members of all ages from most of the churches in the Hamilton and Niagara circuits, with some even driving over an hour from outside the circuits. The event began with a short devotion led by Rev. Lantz and ended with a Vespers service led by Rev. Gillard.
Rev. Giese spoke in two sessions. The first was an eye-opening introduction to the concept of the Overton Window, a framework for understanding the shift in the perceived acceptability of certain arguments and societal topics in public discourse. He then demonstrated how various forms of media are used to subtly manipulate, direct, and curate what are deemed to be acceptable thoughts through a process of desensitization and fear.
Following a schnitzel lunch, the second session sought to answer some practical questions: “What does this mean for a Christian?” and “What tools do we have at our fingertips to ‘guard the good deposit entrusted to us?’” What became abundantly clear is that faithful Confessional Lutherans have a wealth of tools at their disposal to engage these challenges. What is necessary is that Lutherans become reacquainted with them and commit them to memory.
The event was an excellent opportunity to be mutually encouraged by fellow Christians, and the attendees expressed a desire to continue to build on this event.
Rev. David Zakel and Mrs. Stephanie Zakel