CLS announces $75,000 Matching Grant challenge

clsEDMONTON – Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS) is once again running a Matching Grant campaign. Anonymous supporters have posed a $75,000 matching grant challenge, and will match supporters’ donations dollar for dollar up to that amount.

“Challenges can be a good thing,” CLS Interim President Norman Threinen writes in a letter announcing the campaign. “They help us do extraordinary things.”

“In the context of our seminary,” he writes, “we saw last year how a challenge enabled us to raise $240,000 in five weeks. What a blessing that was! What an encouragement to those of us who labour on  your behalf to prepare men for the ministry of our church!”

CLS is asking LCC members to prayerfully consider participating in the campaign. Cheques should be made payable to Concordia Lutheran Seminary, and should be marked “Matching Grant.” They may be sent to:

Concordia Lutheran Seminary
7040 Ada Boulevard
Edmonton, AB  T5B 4E3

“We know, of course, that your gifts to the seminary will not be primarily motivated by this challenge,” Interim President Threinen writes. “It is your love for God and your desire to see pastors prepared for the Gospel ministry in the Church that will motivate you. But it is nice to know that your gift will go twice as far because it is being matched.”

To read the full letter, visit CLS’ website here. The Matching Grant challenge ends June 15.


Posted By: Matthew Block
Posted On: April 25, 2013
Posted In: Education News, Headline,