CLTS bids farewell to Dr. Torgerson

Torgy’s Farewell
ST. CATHARINES, Ontario – With gratitude spiced with a dash of wistfulness, Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) has said thank-you and goodbye to Rev. Dr. Wilhelm Torgerson—affectionately known to many as “Torgy.”
A well-known figure in Lutheran Church–Canada and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, as well as in various European Lutheran churches, Dr. Torgerson retired from 36 years of parish ministry in Germany in 2007, only to take responsibility for the “Wittenberg Project,” restoring Wittenberg’s Old Latin School to a centre for visitors in the cradle of Lutheranism. Retiring from that task in 2011, he was invited to teach pastoral theology at Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary.
What started as a one-year visit turned into seven years of committed service. Besides his tasks as a teacher of pastoral theology, Dr. Torgerson has also been the Fieldwork and Vicarage supervisor, and the Placement Officer. The students, faculty, and staff have been blessed by Dr Torgerson’s passion for theology and his pastoral heart, not to mention his generosity and commitment to the service of the church.
Having received the call to serve First Lutheran Church in Windsor as an assistant pastor, Dr. Torgerson is retiring—again—from teaching, but not giving up his lifelong task of serving the people of God with the preaching of the Gospel and faithful administration of his sacraments.
Dr. Torgerson’s installation service at First Lutheran Church, Windsor was held on December 16, 2018 with Lutheran Church–Canada’s Past President, Rev. Dr. Robert Bugbee, presiding and CLTS President Dr. Thomas Winger preaching.