Delegate election and nominee selections continue

2008 Convention delegate Rev. Mark Lobitz receives his registration materials

The grassroots work for the 2011 national convention of Lutheran Church–Canada continues with the selection of voting delegates. With a December 6 deadline, as of November 15 circuit forums have chosen 46 of the 118 required pastoral and lay delegates. The number of delegates is a minimum one pastor and one lay delegate per circuit. Circuits with communicant membership of more than 1500 can elect an additional pastoral and lay delegate for every 1300 members.

“We ask convention delegates to be ‘on call’ for the coming three years,” noted LCC president, Rev. Dr. Robert Bugbee.  “After the convention itself adjourns, it’s great if they go on to share information from Synod to ‘bring it home’ to their circuits.”  The national church covers travel and accommodation costs for delegates from a fund to which each congregation contributes through an assessment. To contain costs, the 2011 convention is shorter by one day from previous events.

“One more thing about this briefer convention schedule,” observed President Bugbee. “It should make it easier for some potential younger delegates to attend. In the past, they may have worried about taking too much time off work to be with us, but the new schedule should help. I ask our circuits seriously to consider expanding future leadership by encouraging new delegates to join us next June.”

Among the duties of delegates is the election of men and women to serve the church-at-large as members of various boards and commissions. Earlier this year the convention’s Nominations Committee asked for names to consider for nomination. By the deadline the committee received 82 names; 43 clergy and 39 lay, some suggested for more than one position. The committee is now following-up with them to seek permission to let their name stand for election. Most of the nominations came through the online nomination form. Most of the persons suggested have accepted nomination, and the committee should have full slates for the 18 vacancies.

Within the next week, congregations will receive ballots for the nomination of president and vice-presidents. Each member congregation can nominate two pastors as candidates for president and three pastors for vice-president. All nominees must be on the roster of Lutheran Church–Canada. The deadline for receiving the nominations in Winnipeg is January 31, 2011.

The Hamilton convention June 3-6, 2011 is Lutheran Church–Canada’s ninth regular convention since the founding convention in 1988.

Posted By: Matthew Block
Posted On: November 15, 2010
Posted In: National News,