Dryden hosts online Vacation Bible School

Rev. Alex Timm highlights the Bible in Dryden’s online VBS.

DRYDEN, Ont. – This July, Dryden Lutheran Church attempted to create a virtual Vacation Bible School (VBS) as similar to in-person VBS as possible. During the week of July 6, 2020, each day began with an online check-in with Rev. Alex Timm, where he got to know the students and they had the chance to share what they discovered during the previous day. After that, he sent them to the respective Day page (see www.drydenlutheran.ca/vbs/).

Each day’s lesson began with an opening video featuring Rev. Timm and Sidney the Sloth, followed by a music video with the Rainforest Music Troupe, made up of the youth of the congregation. Next, participants were treated to the story of the day (you never knew what to expect when you started it!), the memory verse, and a connecting experiment. After that, instructions were provided to complete the craft, snack, game, and colouring sheet of the day. The day closed with a video of Rev. Timm sharing the treasure he had found with Sidney the Sloth.


Dryden’s “Rainforest Music Crew.”

Twenty-three participants registered from across Alberta, Saskatchewan, Northern Ontario, and Southern Ontario, and many older members of the congregation also took part. Participants and their parents passed on thanks for the opportunity to take part, and highly encourage as many people as possible to participate in the virtual VBS.

The VBS is available all summer and Rev. Timm will be hosting live check-ins each Wednesday from 9:00-10:00 a.m. CDT. If any congregations wish to host a VBS but do not have the resources to create the virtual material, they are welcome to use this material.

Please contact lutheranchurch@tbaytel.net to receive assistance in creating Adventure Kits for your local participants and hosting your own virtual check-ins.


Marion Timm

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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: September 7, 2020
Posted In: Central Region News, Headline,