Four pastors celebrate ordination anniversaries

Revs. Adrian Kramer (Oxbow, Saskatchewan); Alex Klages (Morden, Manitoba); Ken Maher (Collingwood, Ontario); and Richard Juritsch (St. Catharines, Ontario).
COLLINGWOOD, Ont. – On July 8, a special celebration occurred at the home of Bob and Ruth Klages, members of Christ our Hope in Collingwood. They were able to celebrate special ordination anniversaries of their pastor, their son, and two sons-in-law! A celebratory cake was made in honour of the occasion.
Rev. Adrian Kramer is marking 15 years since his ordination, Rev. Alex Klages 20 years, Rev. Ken Maher 25 years, and Rev. Richard Juritsch 30 years.
Rev. Alex Klages