Installation of Rev. Peter Gatluak

Rev. Peter Gatluak (fourth from left) and other pastors after the installation.

HAMILTON, Ont. – On September 20, 2020, Rev. Peter Gatluak was installed as associate pastor at Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Hamilton.

While already having served at that location for some time, first with Rev. Jim Schnarr (2008-2012) and now with Rev. Mark Koehler, the installation of Rev. Gatluak marks a new beginning for the Pilgrim congregation and Rev. Gatluak as they work to expand their outreach to the local Sudanese community. Previously, Rev. Gatluak had also served as a called missionary-at-large of the East District. Now under the new LCC structure, Rev. Gatluak is a called Associate Pastor at Pilgrim and missionary to the Sudanese people. In support of that work, Lutheran Church-Canada is providing Pilgrim with assistance.


A choir celebrating the installation of Rev. Peter Gatluak.

Rev. Gatluak came to Canada on November 10, 1999. He went to Centennial College in Scarborough, and then entered Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (St. Catharines, Ontario), concluding his theological education with a vicarage at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Burlington. The East District Board of Directors called him to Sudanese Lutheran mission work at Pilgrim, with his installation having taken place on May 24, 2009. Rev. Gatluak is married to Mary, and they have six children.

Rev. Peter and Mary Gatluak.

The installation as Associate Pastor was a happy occasion, though quite unique as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. People from both the English and Sudanese congregations worked together to make the event possible, taking in stride the extra work required to meet regional public health regulations. The service was held in the parking lot behind the church, masks were worn, and people were properly spaced. The Sudanese community came prepared to serve food following the service, but, due to provincial restrictions being altered just days before the event, food had to be served in to-go containers instead, which people received in their car upon leaving.

The Lord provided a comfortable, sunny day for the occasion, and the Word of the Lord was proclaimed in a service led by Rev. Koehler. Rev. Duane Peters preached on the centrality of the Good News in Jesus Christ and the work of God through the holy Pastoral Ministry. The Rite of Installation was led by Rev. Kevin Walrath, counsellor for the Hamilton Circuit, with circuit clergy as well as Sudanese pastors from around the region participating and giving encouragement.

The congregation gives thanks to God as the work already begun continues.


Rev. Kevin Walrath

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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: January 4, 2021
Posted In: East Region News, Headline,