LCC and LCMS hold pastoral conference, Koinonia meeting

LCMS President Harrison served as celebrant for a service of Holy Communion, with LCC President Teuscher preaching.
NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. – From June 24-26, about forty pastors from Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) gathered for a joint pastoral conference, daily services, and an Annual Koinonia Coordination Meeting (AKCM) at the Mount Carmel Retreat and Conference Centre in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The goal was to deepen personal relationships, theological understanding, and mutual commitment and planning for mission and ministry in Canada.
LCC attendees included Rev. Dr. Timothy Teuscher (LCC President), Rev. Dr. Thomas Winger (President of Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary in St. Catharines, Ontario), Rev. Joel Kuhl (Chairman of LCC’s Commission on Theology and Church Relations), Rev. Mark Smith (LCC Director of International Missions), Rev. Jacob Quast (LCC Director of Domestic Missions), Rev. Marvin Bublitz (LCC East Regional Pastor), and about fifteen LCC pastors serving in Ontario and Quebec.
LCMS attendees included Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison (LCMS President), Rev. Dr. Jamison Hardy (LCMS English District Bishop/President), Rev. Waldemar Vinovskis (LCMS SELC District President), Rev. Jeff Miskus (LCMS English District Bishop-Elect), Rev. Derek Mathers (LCMS English District Mission Executive), Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shaw (LCMS Church Relations Director), Rev. Michael Frese (LCMS Church Relations Deputy Director), and about ten other LCMS pastors serving in Canada.
Services of morning and evening prayer, and Holy Communion, were highlights. At opening vespers on June 24, LCMS President Harrison installed Rev. Miskus as English District Bishop-Elect by succession. Rev. Dr. Winger led a study of the Book of Ephesians and the Lutheran Confessions on unitas (the unity which God gives through faith in Christ) and concordia (the harmony for which we strive).
Building on previous gatherings, discussions aimed at charity, clarity, and synergy in LCC and the LCMS working together for mission, ministry, and pastoral care in Canada. Mutual commitments included:
– Work together through LCC and LCMS Missions for outreach and congregational plants among First Nations and the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA).
– Work together in French-language Quebec ministry, Montreal LCMS-LCC joint services, and Fall Foro.
– Work together with Christ the King Lutheran Church (Port Rowan, Ontario), an independent congregation, to offer pastoral care and work toward eventual membership in LCC or the LCMS’ English District.
– Share home school and family support digital libraries to offer alternative Christian education.
– Support congregational/circuit-based refugee sponsorship to share brotherly love with the needy.
– Review and clarify LCC-LCMS Protocol Document paragraph 3 to allow for: pastoral discretion in encouraging LCMS congregations to join LCC, and a process of congregational request, joint consultation, and mutual consent for enabling mission/congregational startups in Canada.
– Announce that First Evangelical Lutheran Church (Kingsville, Ontario) has peaceably moved from independent status into the LCMS English District; and that St. Luke’s Lutheran Church (Farsi), Toronto, Ontario, may become its own English District mission congregation when it is ready.
– A 2024 LCC President’s Ministry Council—LCMS Council of Presidents meeting Nov. 11-14, 2024, in Chicago to share information, opportunities, and challenges for mutual work and support.
– A 2025 LCC-LCMS pastoral conference and AKCM Oct. 5-9, 2025, at Mount Carmel Centre, Niagara Falls, Ontario, for worship, Scripture study, and mission and ministry coordination for the next year.