LCC boards hard at work


The Planning Committee for 2013’s National Youth Gathering meets in Winnipeg, with one member Skyped in.

WINNIPEG – Last week saw a number of Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) boards and committees meeting at the national office in Winnipeg.

The Planning Committee of 2013’s National Youth Gathering was the first group to meet during the week. Members began their work Monday, Skyping in one member who could not be present physically. The committee reminds congregations that early bird registration for the National Youth Gathering ends April 30.


President Robert Bugbee installs Rev. Rudy Pastucha and Grace Henderson to LCC’s Board of Directors.

On Tuesday, the Council of Presidents (COP) began two days of meetings. Among other topics, the placement of this year’s seminary graduates was on the agenda. Tuesday also saw the beginning of two days of meetings of LCC’s Committee for Missions and Social Ministry.

On Thursday evening, committees of LCC’s Board of Directors (BOD) met in preparation for BOD meetings Friday and Saturday. Friday morning saw the installation of Rev. Rudy Pastucha as Third Vice-President and Grace Henderson as lay-member to the board.

Lutheran Church–Canada has a wide range of boards and committees that assist it in various aspects of synod’s mission, including communications, finances, international missions, and youth ministry.


Posted By: Matthew Block
Posted On: April 15, 2013
Posted In: Headline, National News,