LCC calls to prayer for church workers

CANADA – In a recent article, the President’s Ministry Council (PMC) and the boards of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC)’s two seminaries recognized challenges facing our synod and the seminaries who serve her. In addition to other identified commitments, the PMC, in its task of guiding formation of church workers and caring for congregations according to our Lord’s Word and the needs of the church, expressed the desire that “all of synod [would] fervently pray to the Lord of the Church to send workers into the harvest and provide resources to support them, believing that it is not our wisdom or strength but our Lord’s work through us that will accomplish His will.”

On Wednesday, March 29, 2023, the following message from LCC’s President, Rev. Dr. Timothy Teuscher, was sent out to all congregations. A printable, PDF version can be viewed and downloaded at the end of this article.

Prayers for Church Workers

“The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest” (Matthew 9:37-38). In light of the fact that our Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is faced with a shortage of pastors, coupled with low seminary enrolments, as is the case throughout nearly all of western Christendom; it is especially necessary and highly important that we take these words of our crucified and risen Lord to heart. To this end I call upon all pastors and congregations of our Synod to lift up our hands together in regular and fervent prayer throughout this Eastertide that more church workers might be provided to proclaim the joyous message of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

– President Timothy Teuscher, Lutheran Church–Canada


Heavenly Father, anoint with Your Spirit the words of those who preach this holy day the Good News of the death and resurrection of Your dear Son, our risen Lord Jesus Christ. Raise up more pastors and teachers among us who will bear witness in season and out of season that everyone who believes in Him will receive forgiveness of sins, life, and eternal salvation in His name. Lord, in Your mercy; hear our prayer.


God of grace and mercy, grant that the Good News of forgiveness and peace, hope and joy, that Your Son, our risen Lord Jesus Christ, committed to the apostles, may continue to be proclaimed boldly and truthfully in all the congregations and missions of our Synod. By Your Spirit raise up more pastors who will preach faithfully and without ceasing Jesus Christ and Him crucified and risen so that we and others, both now and in generations to come, may receive the peace and joy of Easter. Lord, in Your mercy; hear our prayer.


Gracious and merciful Father in heaven, as the holy apostles proclaimed repentance and baptism in the name of Your Son, our risen Lord Jesus Christ, so raise up more pastors among us who will faithfully open the Scriptures to us concerning Christ and Him crucified and risen so that we and generations yet to come might receive forgiveness of our sins and life everlasting. Lord, in Your mercy; hear our prayer.


O risen Lord Jesus Christ, the Chief Shepherd and Overseer of our souls, bless all pastors that they would guide and feed the flock entrusted to their care by diligently preaching Your Word in its truth and purity and by properly administering the blessed Sacraments according to Your institution. Guide and direct all congregations who are calling shepherds to feed them with the green pastures of Your Word. Bless our seminaries as they prepare able and faithful under-shepherds, and raise up more pastors to serve the sheep and lambs of Your flock. Lord, in Your mercy; hear our prayer.


Heavenly Father, as Your beloved Son has invited us to call upon You in His name, hear our petition for more servants of the Word who might be raised up among us, devote themselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word, and so proclaim to us and to others Your glory which has called us out of darkness into Your marvelous light. Lord, in Your mercy; hear our prayer.


O Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth and our Helper, enlighten the hearts of those who have been called to proclaim Your Word of Law and Gospel and those committed to their care. Strengthen the pastors in the congregations and missions of our Synod that they would always be prepared to give a defence of the hope and life we have in Christ. Raise up more pastors in our midst who would teach faithfully and preach boldly Jesus Christ who suffered for our sins, died on the cross, descended into hell, rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and who will come again to judge the world in righteousness. Lord, in Your mercy; hear our prayer.


O ascended Lord Jesus Christ, as You did commission the apostles to proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sins in Your name to all nations, so bless to this end the proclamation of Your Word by the pastors in all the congregations and missions of our Synod. As You did ascend to sit at the right hand of our heavenly Father as Head over all things for the Church, so guide and direct more young men that they might prepare themselves for this apostolic ministry and service to and in Your Church. Lord, in Your mercy; hear our prayer.


O risen and ascended Lord Jesus Christ, as You alone have the words of eternal life, and as You did commission the apostles to be Your witnesses to the ends of the earth, so grant that we may continue to hear and believe their testimony to You in the Holy Scriptures as it is proclaimed to us today by called pastors and servants of the Word. Bless the seminaries of our church, and especially the candidates who are receiving their first call to serve in various congregations across our Synod. As the Holy Spirit did guide the apostles in choosing Matthias to be a witness to Your resurrection, so by the same Spirit lead and guide more men to serve in this holy ministry to the glory of Your name. Lord, in Your mercy; hear our prayer.


Gracious and merciful Father in heaven, as You did empower and bless by Your Spirit the apostles who proclaimed the death and resurrection of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ; so open the mouths of Your pastors in the congregations of our Synod to declare His praises to all who are committed to their care. By Your Spirit continue to raise up teachers and pastors in our midst who will proclaim Your mighty works so that more people might come to repentance and so be saved. Lord, in Your mercy; hear our prayer.


To view and download the Prayers for Church Workers as a printable PDF, click Here.

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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: March 29, 2023
Posted In: Education News, Headline, National News,