LCC chaplain receives one of the Armed Forces’ highest commendations

Captain Harold Ristau, CAF Recognition Program recipient, with his spouse Elise Ristau, receives a Chief of the Defence Staff Commendation from Vice Chief of the Defence Staff Lieutenant-General Guy Thibault, accompanied by Major General David Millar, Chief Warrant Officer Pierre Marchand, and Chief Warant Officer Kevin West. (Photo: Corporal Pierre Haib, Canadian Forces Support Unit Ottawa – Imaging Services).
OTTAWA – On May 31, 2014 Rev. Dr. Chaplain Harold Ristau—a member of Lutheran Church–Canada—received the Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) commendation, which is one of the highest recognitions in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). Dr. Ristau was honoured along with 11 other military personnel recognized for various incidents of outstanding service. The citation was triggered by the important impact of Dr. Ristau’s book At Peace with War (Wipf & Stock) on the training system.
As part of a Canadian Armed Forces Appreciation weekend, the commendation recipients and their spouses participated in the nation’s annual “red shirt run,” a visit to the military museum, and a tour of parliament pinnacling in a standing ovation from the Prime Minister and all in attendance during Question Period in the House of Commons.

Capt. Padre Ristau (second form left in black stole) participates in a ramp ceremony for Private (Pte) Sébastien Courvey, who was killed in action on July 16, 2009 while conducting operations in the Panjwai District of Afghanistan. (Photo: Corporal Jonathan Barret, Image Tech, JTF-AFg, Roto 7.)
The commendation also resulted in The Waterloo Record publishing an in-depth article highlighting Dr. Ristau’s work as a pastor and chaplain. Speaking of the work of chaplains in the military, he explained: “We are there to bring light of hope to a dark world.”
Healthy patriotism and a zeal for ministry opportunities has inspired many pastors to join the CAF, resulting in a welcome increase of LCC chaplains in both the Regular and Reserve Forces over the years. LCC’s chaplains have an excellent reputation of providing faithful service to Canada’s troops. The Church prays that this eagerness to support our troops through military chaplaincy continues as there remains an overwhelming demand for chaplains, especially in the Reserve Forces (specifically in the ABC district), which normally require a minimum of one evening per week and one Saturday per month of their time.