LCC congregations and affiliates respond to increased Lutheran Brazilian immigration

CANADA – As the increased Brazilian presence in Canada becomes more evident, members of Lutheran Church–Canada are responding. A recent rise in Lutheran Brazilian immigration has been especially prominent in Saskatchewan, through Rev. Lucas Albrecht, and in Montreal, through Rev. Dr. David Somers. Both Rev. Albrecht and Rev. Dr. Somers are reaching out to new Brazilian Canadians in cooperation with Lutheran Laymen’s League and Lutheran Hour Ministries of Canada (LLL-C) with Lisa Jackson, Managing Director.

This partnership has spurred the release of a short welcome video in English Here and in Portuguese Here to be posted on and, as well as a soon-to-be-released Facebook page to serve as a hub for Brazilian Lutherans across the country. Additionally, resources are being shared, such as the 2020 Lenten devotions, through the Brazilian Lutheran Hour.

MONTREAL – In furthering this outreach, Église évangélique Luthérienne de l’Ascension (Montreal, Quebec) held its first Portuguese Sunday School class Sunday, February 23, 2020. The topic was The Feast of the Transfiguration. The four children who participated sang hymns they knew by heart, and had the opportunity to learn about Jesus in their native language.

Lutheran Church–Canada looks forward to these new opportunities for our Synod, as we joyfully receive our Brazilian brothers and sisters in Christ into our congregations and communities.


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: March 6, 2020
Posted In: Headline, Mission News,