LCC International Mission Executive on hand for formation of Honduras Synod

Founding members of the Executive Board of the Evangelical Confessional Lutheran Church of Honduras.
In early February, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) International Mission Executive Rev. Mark Smith met with representatives of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), Lutheran Church Synod of Nicaragua, along with members of the local mission, for the annual Central American FORO in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
At the FORO meeting on February 1st, all the necessary legal documents were signed and the members present witnessed the formation of the Evangelical Confessional Lutheran Church of Honduras (ECLCH).

Members of the Central American FORO
LCC, LCMS and the Lutheran Church Synod of Nicaragua have worked for several years to support the mission in Honduras. These three established church bodies, along with members of the mission in Honduras, formed the Central American FORO (forum) several years ago to discuss ways in which they could work in harmony to support the mission-field. For the past two years, the FORO has worked toward attaining legal status for the mission with the Honduran government.
We give thanks and praise to God for all the people involved in this historical and blessed event, and we call upon the Lord to continue to richly bless the ministry of His Church in Honduras.