LCC seminaries launch new school year with retreats

CLTS faculty and staff stand in the mist of Niagara Falls.

CANADA – An important part of the seminary education experience is community life. That’s one of the reasons why Lutheran Church–Canada’s two seminaries begin the new school year with time for faculty and students to join together in prayerful retreat.

Rev. Dr. John Hellwege speaks with faculty and staff during CLS retreat in Edmonton.

Concordia Lutheran Seminary (Edmonton) held its annual retreat August 29-30 at Province Renewal Centre. Participants did an intensive study of the two seminaries joint theme verse in its context: Peace be with You. As the Father has sent Me, even so I am sending you” (John 20:21). In addition regular devotions together, students and faculty also discussed an overview of the coming academic calendar, the student handbook, and changes for the upcoming academic year.

In the lead up to Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminaries (St. Catharines, Ontario) opening service, faculty and staff held their annual retreat at Mt. Carmel Spiritual Retreat Centre in Niagara Falls, where they likewise studied this year’s joint verse. A highlight of the retreat is always singing Matins and Compline in the neo-gothic chapel on site, as well as a visit to the Falls. A barbeque for faculty, students, and their families precedes the event.

Lutheran Church–Canada encourages congregations to remember the seminaries with their prayers and offerings. For information on holding a Seminaries Sunday event, click here.


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: September 16, 2019
Posted In: Education News, Headline,