LCC urges prayer for Canada

CANADA – On February 14, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Acts in response to ongoing protests in Ottawa and other places throughout the country. The text of the act provides the government with extraordinary powers to deal with emergency situations, while respecting the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Bill of Rights.

In light of the new situation, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC)’s President Timothy Teuscher is calling on Christians throughout the country to pray for peace. “Tensions remain very high at this time, especially at the protest sites,” he noted. “We ask God to be merciful to our nation in this time—that He would provide avenues for a peaceful resolution to the current impasse.”

“Tensions remain very high at this time, especially at the protest sites. We ask God to be merciful to our nation in this time—that He would provide avenues for a peaceful resolution to the current impasse.”

The following prayer is offered for personal and congregational use:

Gracious and merciful God and Father, although Your Son, Jesus Christ, took upon Himself our flesh and came into this sinful and dying world to bring us life and Your heavenly peace, conflict still rages among Your children on earth. Bring a restoration of calm and security, and heal the wounds that have been inflicted here in our nation as a result of COVID-related matters. Bless our leaders with wisdom and understanding that they would make decisions in consideration of and support for the welfare of all the people of this nation. Remove all strife and discord, hatred and ill-will from us that we may live together in unity and peace. In Your mercy bring an end to this pandemic that has caused so much division, even within Your church. Grant unto us humble and repentant hearts, and remove all strife and discord, hatred and ill will that has arisen in our midst. Give us the peace that the world cannot give, and bestow upon us Your grace that, delivered from all conflict and strife, we may finally gain the eternal rest of the saints in glory and may so praise and bless, worship and glorify You forever; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: February 15, 2022
Posted In: Feature Stories, Headline, National News,