Looking for a summer vicar?

clsEDMONTON -Concordia Lutheran Seminary (Edmonton) is inviting congregations to consider requesting the services of a summer vicar.

Summer Vicarage is an opportunity for congregations to receive help with congregational and other ministry projects from a seminarian on summer break. Seminarians are licensed to preach (with manuscript supervision) and conduct worship (but not consecrate the elements in Holy Communion or conduct “Official Acts” like baptisms, weddings, or funerals). Summer vicars generally lead worship and preach, teach Bible classes, participate in summer Vacation Bible Schools, work in youth ministry, and are involved in congregational visitations. Some churches use a summer vicar for a special project or to test out new ministry opportunities.

This program has a long history and rich tradition with the seminaries of Lutheran Church–Canada. A summer vicar can assist a congregation with some pastoral needs while a pastor is on sabbatical or on extended travel. Seminarians are not required to do summer vicarage, but since courses are not offered over the summer, most students seek a summer job.

Seminarians pursuing summer vicarage do so in lieu of other employment, so congregations are expected to provide for a fair stipend, transportation, and housing. A summer vicarage provides additional financial support to students while giving them and additional pastoral-formation.

Concordia Lutheran Seminary reports that it has a few students who are interested in serving in a summer vicarage. Please contact President Jim Gimbel for more information at jgimbel@concordiasem.ab.ca or 1-780-474-1468 ext. 224.


Posted By: Matthew Block
Posted On: March 17, 2015
Posted In: Education News, Headline,