Lutheran Foundation gathers millions for church groups

Senior gift planner Allen Schellenberg conducting a Christian Estate and Will Planning Seminar at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Dawson Creek, B.C.
WINNIPEG — Organizations, institutions, districts, synod and congregations of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) will eventually receive more than $6.3-million thanks to the work of a church foundation over the past two years.
Lutheran Foundation Canada (LFC) established or identified $4,006,217 in planned gifts in 2008 and $2,302,245 in planned gifts in 2009.
“What a blessing for the on-going ministry of the organizations who will benefit from the planned gifts,” said Allen Schellenberg, senior gift coordinator. “May God be praised.”
LFC gathered the funds thanks to the work of gift coordinators.
Gift coordinators work with congregations and individuals and help develop comprehensive estate plans, including gifts to LCC-affiliated organizations.
LFC then receives the gifts through bequests, legacies, endowments or other plans.
Depending on needs or donors’ wishes, gifts are then used for current ministries or invested for the future.
In 2008, LFC established or identified gifts of:
- $1,311,234 for congregations,
- $545,825 for the synod
- $698,158 for districts
- $35,000 for Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS)
- $185,000 for Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS)
- $160,000 for Lutheran Laymen’s League–Canada
- $35,000 for listed service organizations
- $634,000 for Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR)
- and $402,000 for Lutheran Church–Canada Financial Ministries (LCCFM).
In 2009 LFC established or identified gifts of
- $635,645 for congregations,
- $392,100 for the synod
- $415,000 for districts
- $85,600 for CLTS
- $157,500 for CLS
- $38,200 for LLL–Canada
- 20,000 for Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada
- $40,000 for Concordia Lutheran Mission Society (CLMS)
- $10,000 for Concordia University College of Alberta (CUCA)
- $188,200 for LSOs
- $20,000 for CLWR
- $280,000 for LCCFM
- and $20,000 for unspecified organizations.
“As many of these donations are placed in wills or other legacy instruments, the beneficiaries will not see the result of these gifts immediately” noted Schellenberg. “But they now know how much their work is appreciated by supporters of their ministry.”
For more information on LFC, visit Individuals can e-mail Allen Schellenberg, senior gift coordinator, at