Lutheran military chaplains gather for retreat

Participants at the annual chaplain retreat.
by Vic Morris
Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) Military Chaplains gathered at the Canadian Forces Chaplain Branch annual retreat May 26-31 in Cornwall, Ontario.
The theme of the retreat was spiritual resiliency, with guest speakers and presenters focusing on different aspects of resilience training, sustainment, and renewal.
Two days were set aside in the schedule for participants to break in to their respective faith groups. This year, the guest speaker for the Lutheran contingent was LCC President Robert Bugbee. President Bugbee spoke about the history of Lutheranism in North America in general and Canada specifically.
This topic was especially relevant as gathered together were two Chaplains of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, one chaplain from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (on exchange from the United States Navy), five LCC chaplains, as well as Rev. Hans J.W. Borch, Lutheran Representative to the Interfaith Committee of the Canadian Military Chaplaincy, currently serving as its Chair.
On the second day of the conference, the Lutheran chaplains met according to their denominations. Regular Force Chaplains (Padres Vic Morris, Gerson Flor, Harold Ristau, and Jason Kouri) and Reserve Chaplains (Padres DJ Kim and Paul Williams) met with President Bugbee to talk about mission and ministry. Following this day, Rev. Borch hosted a wine and cheese, with special guest Rev. Dr. Karen A. Hamilton, General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches.
LCC calls pastors to serve as Missionaries at Large to the men and women who are the Canadian Armed Forces.
Padre Vic Morris is a Captain with the Canadian Armed Forces, currently stationed at CFB Wainwright.