LWMLC holds national convention, elects new president

Outgoing LWMLC President Linda Long (right) hands the gavel over to new President Marilyn Witte.
LONDON, Ont. – Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada (LWMLC) held its national convention July 11-14 in London, Ontario, with the option for members to also participate online. The convention theme was “Sing to the Lord a new song!” (Psalm 149:1).
The convention saw the election of Marilyn Witte as LWMLC’s new President. “God knows the plans He has for us,” President Witte said. “I am excited to work with the talented LWMLC Board. I am excited to lead LWMLC in the mission Jesus has prepared for us. I am excited to see what God has in store for us. I am so very excited to serve God and you.”
LWMLC President Witte succeeds President Linda Long, who served two terms as president from 2018-2024. “As I step down from the President’s position, I can only offer my Lord much praise for the joy He offered to me,” President Emeritus Long said. “Thank you most sincerely for the opportunity to lead you.”
Also elected to serve are: Jill Munoz (VP Christian Growth); Lorraine Kaija (VP Christian Mission); Karen Hildebrandt (VP Communication); Ruth Coe (VP Member Development; Sherley Hearty (VP ABC District Administration); Annette Borchardt (VP Central District Administration); Sharlene Procknow (VP Ontario District Administration); Rena Detlefsen (VP Laurentian District Administration); Diana Grant (Recording Secretary); Penny Bobier (Financial Secretary); and Linda Horton (Treasurer).
The opening service, which was also broadcast live online, featured a new hymn, “Saints Sing a New Song” by Joyce E. Doskotch of Duncan, B.C. Preaching for the service was Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) President Timothy Teuscher.
Serving as keynote speaker for the convention was Lutheran author, Deb Burma. Burma has written multiple books, Bible studies, retreat kits, and devotionals for Concordia Publishing House. During her keynote address, Burma inspired LWMLC members to sing a new song to the Lord. Special interest speakers included Rev. Paulo Brum, Rev. Walta Clercius, and Rev. Peter Gatluak, discussing how music and song are used to glorify God in Brazil, Haiti, and Sudan respectively.
Three servant events at the conference supported a drop-in centre for women called My Sister’s Place; London-based homeless shelters; and outreach ministry at St. Mark’s Lutheran (Mississauga, Ontario). Offerings from the conference will support LWMLC’s new triennium mission goals (below); LCC’s two seminaries; and the Community Cupboard program of Historic St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (Kitchener, Ontario).
For more convention news, visit LWML’s website.
LWMLC’s Mission Grants goals for 2024-2027
TOTAL $251,000 NOTE: The two grants marked with an asterix (*) tied for votes and each received 77.5 percent of their request. |