LWMLC vote & moving forward

ONLINE – The 11th Convention of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League – Canada (LWMLC) was held on December 15, 2021, to review proposed Bylaw changes for the organization. The presentation was made, and the votes were cast with a resounding agreement by all of the voting delegates that the revised Bylaws will be confirmed.

So, what does this mean for LWMLC? The Reporting responsibilities to maintain our Charitable Status will be managed by the National organization. This will enable our geographic Districts to focus more fully on serving the local members through Bible Studies; Christian Growth Retreats; and Renewals. The Districts will also be able to focus on serving God’s people through local gathering of items for Food Banks, Shelters and the like, while continuing to serve through Mites for the Mission Grants that each Society will send directly to LWMLC. More details are expected to be available soon through LWMLC’s various communications.

Linda Long, President of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League – Canada (LWMLC).


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: January 7, 2022
Posted In: Headline, National News,