Malabar Mission Society celebrates 33rd Anniversary

MMS Board and 33rd Anniversary cake. (Left to Right) Joel Otten; Lorna Peterson; Rev. Greg Heidorn; Rev. Howard Ulmer; Harold Weiss; and Gerald Wagner.
REGINA, SK – The Malabar Mission Society (MMS) held its Board Meeting and Annual General Meeting on April 22, 2023 at Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Regina, SK. Plans had been made in early 2020 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the MMS with a supper and program in April of 2020. These plans had to be put on hold due to pandemic restrictions. Fortunately, the plans could become a reality in 2023.
In connection with this celebration, Mount Olive Lutheran Church planned a Mission Fest to take place on the afternoon of April 22 as part of the activities planned for Mount Olive’s 70th Anniversary Year. Canadian Lutheran World Relief (represented by Karin Achtelstetter), LAMP (represented by Rev. Randy Heide), and Regina Police Chaplaincy (represented by Chaplain Dong Joo Kim) were three of the missions invited to take part in the afternoon sessions.

Malabar Mission Society Supper
At 6 p.m., fifty-one people gathered to enjoy a delicious dinner prepared by expert cooks, Daryl and Colleen Mang. The menu consisted of butter chicken, dahl, samosas, rice, naan bread, chutney, salad, and anniversary cake for dessert.
A program followed the meal with Rev. Greg Heidorn, MMS Project Officer, showing pictures and speaking of his recent January 2023 trip to the state of Kerala, India where he visited the pastors and workers in the Malabar district who receive MMS support. He encouraged them in their work, renewed relationships, and heard their needs and concerns. MMS Board member, Joel Otten who accompanied Rev. Heidorn to India, also showed pictures and reflected on his recent trip to India from his perspective of growing up in Malabar. He was treated as a celebrity when he visited his hometown of Wandoor, where his father, Rev. Henry Otten, was very highly respected. Thanks to Joel’s visit, the town’s people decided to resurrect the Lutheran Mission Hospital, Karunalaya, that had closed nearly 20 years ago due to lack of funds and mismanagement. Shortly after Joel’s visit, the compound was cleared of overgrowth and debris. There are plans to open an outpatient clinic and then gradually open the hospital. The re-opening of the hospital is truly a miracle, and is underway thanks to the town of Wandoor.

Rev. Greg Heidorn’s Presentation
Rev. Howard Ulmer, MMS president, closed the evening with “Missions and the Church”, a meditation on Matthew 28:16-20. Rev. Ulmer emphasized the words of the Great Commission: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” (v. 18b-19a). Rev. Ulmer explained that all believers in Jesus Christ are given this commission. He stated, “It is my commission. It is your commission.” The Great Commission continues, “…baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (v. 19b). Rev. Ulmer reminded those in attendance that this is the task for all of God’s people and Jesus assures us that He is with us always to the end of the world: “We are not alone. Jesus is with us and the Holy Spirit strengthens us for the task.” The MMS exists to respond to the Great Commission and to help support the proclamation of the Gospel in Malabar and beyond. For more than 33 years the MMS has provided support to Malabar in India. Thank you to the faithful support from congregations, ladies’ groups, Sunday Schools, and many individuals.
Submitted by Malabar Mission Society
Malabar Mission Society is a Listed Service Organization of Lutheran Church–Canada. Learn more Here.