Meet the Ladies of LWMLC: Linda

The following interview is with Linda Long: President of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League – Canada (LWMLC).

What is so appealing about LWMLC to you personally? Is there a certain aspect that is particularly valuable to you and why?

Being part of a Lutheran Women’s organization that allows me to ‘Do Good Works’ as an outcome of my faith. That sounds a bit trite, but I know that the Holy Spirit filled me with faith at the time of my baptism and I know that the outcome of that faith is to fulfill the great commission – ‘to make disciples of all nations’. How can I do anything other than serve my Lord through using the talents that He has granted to me? I can sew, therefore I can make quilts. I can use the nature that God has granted to me as a woman to nurture others, through creating layettes and kits for people in countries around the world who are in need. I can share the Good News with other women by leading Bible Studies and by taking a leadership role in the organization. When I remember the Mission Statement of LWMLC, there is clarity in how I may fulfill my calling to ‘Grow in God’s Word, serve God’s people, and share God’s Son’. I truly love my Lord Jesus Christ, and I am enthused to have the opportunity to serve Him. Right now, in the role of president, I don’t have quite as much time to do some of the activities, however I do remember that I can support others who can.

Tell me about someone you’ve met through LWMLC who has had a profound impact on you? What are they like and how did you meet?

This question was profoundly challenging for me. Not that I don’t or can’t think of ‘someone’, but rather there are so many ‘someones’ that I have met over the years. I will group some of those very significant people who continue to influence me – my family, my mom and my sister who have an ongoing influence in the way that they serve our Lord. When I was quite young, my aunt from British Columbia was involved in the International LWML and that prompted me to ask ‘why’.

So many sisters in Christ come to mind through the congregations that I have been granted the opportunity to call my church home. The women who serve and encourage me, in their loving way, became my lifelong friends and loving sisters in Christ. Some of them at different moments took on a truly special significance and, if you are asking about the greatest impact, then I would name the other 3 members of the Seminar Committee in 2002-2004. Karen Nerbas, Jean Schmidt, and Linda Brinkworth helped me to grow in Christ as well as shared in some very challenging moments in my life. I would truly consider them to have had the greatest impact on me as women of LWMLC. Each individual that I have served with in the seminar offers unique personalities, but each one loves our Lord Jesus with a powerful focus. How could I not be impacted!

What’s the tastiest dish you’ve ever had at a potluck?

The question just brought back so many moments of sharing in the meals! As much as I truly enjoy the meal, the time that I share with other women is much more significant.

In your experience, what is the best way to brighten someone’s day?

Brightening someone’s day has become a new focus during this time of the pandemic, specifically because it has become more of a primary plan in my life. A telephone call, to someone that I don’t chat with very often, is a way that I can feel the smiles that I do miss. It is such a special moment to remember someone and to be remembered.

3 Things That Interest You!
  • Spending time with our family is my greatest interest – it gives me opportunity to prepare meals to share; to share common interests such as golf; to go to ‘playgroup’ with my great-granddaughter; and in each moment to openly share the joy in Jesus Christ our Lord.
  • Singing in choirs has been a focus that started through my Sunday School days, and then in the opportunities to sing in the church choir. That growth gave me opportunities to sing in several community choirs (even a show choir for a while!) My greatest joy is singing harmony to the many hymns that are in our hymn books and in the choir music that is offered through our church. I have been blessed with several outstanding choir directors and many of them were active Christians.
  • Being physically active is another true joy in my life. In the winter season you will find me at the local curling club, sharing time with friends, new and old, on the curling ice. In the summer season I have started to golf and, though it is not my greatest gift, it is truly a joy to be with other people in the wonders of the world. Year round I am blessed to have a dear friend that I regularly walk with – a good distance every day.


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: August 21, 2020
Posted In: Headline, Meet the Ladies of LWMLC,