Moncton shooting tragedy remembered at LCC Convention

President Robert Bugbee leads the Convention in prayer for Moncton. (Photo: Gabor Gasztonyi)
VANCOUVER – During its Saturday afternoon session, the national convention of Lutheran Church–Canada passed a resolution expressing its sorrow over the recent shooting tragedy in Moncton, New Brunswick.
Noting that “tragedy has again struck our land with the senseless killing of three members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) together with other victims in Moncton, New Brunswick this past,” the convention resolved that “congregations of Lutheran Church–Canada be encouraged to pray for God’s protection on those who work in law enforcement in our country, and to beg His comfort for the families and co-workers of the officers who lost their lives in Moncton.” The convention further called on the President of Synod “to convey our sorrow and condolences to the loved ones of those who died in the line of duty.”
In adopting the resolution, the convention noted that “our Synodical family cannot help but be reminded of the sorrows endured by the families of RCMP Constable Peter Schiemann and his colleages in a similar tragedy at Mayterthorpe, Alberta.” Constable Schiemann was the son of Rev. Don Schiemann, President of the Alberta-British Columbia District of Lutheran Church–Canada.
Following the resolution, President Robert Bugbee of LCC interrupted convention business to call for a time of prayer. In his prayer, he asked for comfort for the grieving. He also thanked God for the public witness of Rev. David Milette and Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Moncton in the face of this tragedy, as they seek to share God’s love with the hurting.