National Pastors and Deacons Conference begins

Communion at the opening service of the 2013 Pastor’s and Deacons conference.
CALGARY, Alberta – Monday, October 28 saw nearly 350 church workers from across Canada converge in Calgary for the launch of Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) 2013 Pastors and Deacons Conference.
“This is only the third time since 1987 that the rostered workers of our Synod have been able to come together for a Canada-wide conference,” noted President Robert Bugbee in welcome materials. “President Edwin Lehman once described our Canadian situation as ‘too few people in too much space.’ It’s one reason we have usually confined ourselves to district and regional conferences over the years, largely because of the cost of air travel. But there is a nurturing blessing at bringing the whole family together (or at least as many as we can persuade to come).”
President Bugbee continued, giving thanks to special donors who have made the conference possible. “We needed to seek special gifts from people who care about the welfare of our Synod to make it happen,” he wrote. “They have not asked for individual mention, but I repeat with these lines how grateful we are to God for their love and support.”
The 2013 Conference will focus on St. Paul’s second epistle to Timothy, with the event’s theme drawn from 2 Timothy 2:10—“I endure everything for the sake of the elect.” Rev. Dr. Jobst H. M. Schöne, retired Bishop of the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELK) of Germany, will serve as plenary speaker for the conference.

President Bugbee preaches at the opening worship service.
The opening worship service for the event was held Monday evening, as conference attendees and local Lutheran laity filled St. Mary’s Cathedral. President Bugbee served as Celebrant and Preacher, and Rev. Dr. Markus Zeuch served as Co-Officiant. Video from the service, including the sermon, will be made available online at a later date.
Also participating in the opening service were Vice-Presidents Thomas Kruesel and Rudy Pastucha (Lectors); Rev. Darren Dressler (Processional Marshal); Vicar Scott Gamble (Crucifer); Rev. Lorne Manweiler (Organist); Rev. Robert Clifford (Trumpetist); a children’s choir from Prince of Peace Lutheran School in Calgary (under the direction of Julie Lawson); and Concordia Community Chorus (under the direction of of Dr. Joy Berg). Members of St. Matthew Lutheran (Calgary) served as ushers.
Special thanks were made to Concordia University College of Alberta and its President Rev. Dr. Gerald Krispin for sponsoring the Concordia Community Chorus’ travel to Calgary. Special thanks were also made to Bishop Fred Henry of the Diocese of Calgary and Father Greg Coupal of St. Mary’s Cathedral for allowing LCC the use of the cathedral for its opening worship service.