New LCC president installed
WINNIPEG – More than 1200 people gathered at Saint James Lutheran Church in Winnipeg and around the world online Sunday, January 28, for the installation of Lutheran Church–Canada’s fourth president, Rev. Timothy Teuscher, Vice-president Rev. Thomas Kruesel (Campbell River, B.C.) and members of LCC’s Board of Directors.
Liturgists for the Vespers Service were Rev. Jim Schnarr, pastor of Saint James, and Rev. Marvin Bublitz, 1st Vice-president of LCC’s East District and pastor at First, Logan, Ont. and Redeemer, Monkton, Ont. who served his vicarage with Pastor Teuscher. The Lectors were clergy members of the Board of Directors, Pastors Warren Hamp, Alex Klages, and Thomas Kruesel.

Rev. Dr. Ralph Mayan; Rev. Dr. Robert Bugbee; and Rev. Dr. Edwin Lehman install Rev. Timothy Teuscher as president of Lutheran Church–Canada
Past President Rev. Dr. Robert Bugbee (2008-2018) and Presidents Emeritus Rev. Dr. Edwin Lehman (1989–1996) and Rev. Dr. Ralph Mayan (1996-2008) officiated the Rite of Installation for the president. After his installation, President Teuscher installed the Vice-president, Rev. Thomas Kruesel (Campbell River, B.C.) and Board of Directors: Arnold Drung (Holy Cross, Kitchener, Ont.); Deacon Suzanne Eberhard (First, Windsor, Ont.); Kirsten Guggenmos (Our Saviour, Fort Qu’Appelle, Sask.); Rev. Warren Hamp (Faith, Kitchener, Ont.); Grace Henderson (St. Peter’s, Leduc, Alta.); Rev. Alex Klages (Trinity, Winkler & Zion, Morden, Man.); Cam Pelzer (Mount Olive, Regina, Sask.); and Cindy Sholdice (St. James, Winnipeg, Man.). Rev. Kurt Reinhardt (Trinity, Gowanstown, Ont.) was unable to attend.
Following the custom in some of LCC’s international partner churches, which was adopted by Past President Bugbee when he was installed, President Teuscher served as preacher. In his sermon, titled “His Service of Self-Service” the president noted that in a self-serve world, that kind of approach is “not so good when it comes to things that pertain to God and to our spiritual life.” He went on to explain that Jesus said of Himself “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). “[Jesus] is still coming and serving,” the president said. “He continues to send pastors to be with His little flock to care for the lambs and sheep of His fold.” As a result of this service from God in His Word and Sacraments “those who receive Christ’s service through His called servants of the Word…also become servants of Christ…who ‘pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest’ who pray for their pastor and all pastors…for our seminaries…and those who are preparing to become pastors.” He concluded encouraging all believers to “joyfully and frequently receive the service of the Suffering Servant, our Lord Jesus Christ, from his called servants.”
International guests included Rev. Antonio Reyes, president of the Lutheran Church in the Philippines, who brought greetings from the International Lutheran Council.
At the end of the service the newly-installed president and Bishop Risto Soramies from the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland signed a Declaration of Altar and Pulpit Fellowship between LCC and the Finnish church body. The formalization of the agreement ratified the action of the 2017 Synod Convention.
A Red River Circuit choir under the direction of Richard Appler and Laura Little sang two anthems.
President Teuscher was elected at Lutheran Church-Canada’s 11th Synodical Convention in October 2017 and will serve a four-year term.
The service is available for viewing online at and Lutheran Church–Canada’s Facebook page.