Prolife video resource now available: Linda Gibbons’ story

A new documentary chronicles Linda Gibbons prolife protests.
CANADA – Canadians recently observed Sanctity of Life Sunday on January 19, but of course the issue of life-rights is not restricted to one day a year. South of the border, on January 22, Americans marked the 41st anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the judgment that legalized abortion in the United States of America. Hundreds of thousands of Christians—including Lutherans—marched on Washington to call for an end to abortion.
National Right to Life estimates more than 56 million babies have been killed in the United States since abortion was legalized in 1973. Closer to home, Campaign Life Coalition states estimates that more than 4 million children have been killed by abortion in Canada since 1969. This year, they say, another 100,000 babies in Canada will die through taxpayer-funded abortions. Canada has been without a law of any kind regulating abortion since 1988, making it the only country in the western world with no abortion laws.
Christians seeking to affirm the value of human life—including the unborn—now have a new resource to call upon, thanks to a recent documentary released by CubeCity Entertainment. The video—entitled “Who is Linda Gibbons?”—recounts the story of a Canadian woman in her mid-sixties, who has spent more than ten of the past twenty years behind bars for protesting outside abortion clinics.
Gibbons’ protests are not aggressive; she holds pamphlets and signs imploring those planning to procure an abortion to change their minds. But court regulations insist that no one protest within 150 meters of an abortion clinic—an order that Gibbons deliberately breaks, resulting in incarceration.
Gibbons herself had an abortion when she was younger. After becoming a Christian, she came to regret that act and was inspired to help prevent others from making the same mistake—through her witness outside abortion clinics, of course, but also in her witness to fellow inmates in prison. “There’s women who tell me, ‘I’ve had an abortion,” she says. “And I tell them, ‘You can ask God for forgiveness. That’s what he shed his blood on the cross for.’”
CubeCity Entertainment was founded by Rev. Roberto Munoz, a Lutheran pastor. In recent years, Rev. Munoz and fellow pastor Rev. Gerhard Wilch have visited Linda Gibbons during her incarcerations at the Vanier Centre for Women. The video was recently shown in a circuit meeting, to positive reviews. “You may want to share Linda’s story with your Bible class or confirmation class,” Rev. Munoz writes. “And please keep Linda in your prayers.”
The thirteen minute document appears below. Please note that graphic abortion images appear on signs in certain parts of the film.
For more information on life issues, visit the websites of Lutherans for Life-Canada and its American counterpart. Canada’s national March for Life takes place in Ottawa on May 8.