NYG an opportunity to strengthen church relations

President Bugbee poses with NALC participants at the National Youth Gathering.
WINNIPEG – When youth and leaders from across Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) gathered in Winnipeg for the National Youth Gathering (NYG), they were not alone: friends from the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) and the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) were also in attendance.
Initial discussions between the NALC and LCC have uncovered common ground. As a symbol of the friendliness between the two churches, LCC President Bugbee—with the support of the Synod’s Council of Presidents—invited NALC youth to participate in LCC’s National Youth Gathering. Two local Winnipeg churches responded: Joy Lutheran Church and St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church together sent two leaders (Teresa Peters and Gary Horton) and six youth to take part in the event.
“It was a joy to have our friends from the NALC with us for the gathering,” said LCC’s President Robert Bugbee. “Our churches share much in common, and it’s a blessing to see our discussions continue to bear fruit.”
In an email to President Bugbee during the gathering, Bishop John Bradosky of the NALC expressed his appreciation for this open door to Canadian youth from his church.

President Bugbee with the LCA’s Erin Schneider (left) and Sarah Klein (right).
Also present for the gathering were two college students from the Lutheran Church of Australia—Erin Schneider and Sarah Klein—who are involved with youth ministry in Australia. They participated in Canada’s NYG in order to experience what a Canadian youth event is like; such events do not happen in the same form in their homeland. The Lutheran Church of Australia is a sister church of LCC.
“Our church treasures its strong ties to the LCA” said President Bugbee. “What a glad blessing to host these two young women as they took part in NYG 2013!”