Outgoing members of the Board of Directors
CANADA – In recognition of the service of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) board members whose service on the Board of Directors ended at the 2022 convention, each member’s congregation was contacted and asked to present them with a gift of appreciation from the congregations and members of synod. The outgoing members were gifted with an engraved pen and pencil set. There were five former members of the Board of Directors who were recognized for their service. They are:
- Dcn. Suzanne Eberhard, First Lutheran Church (Windsor, ON)
- Rev. Warren Hamp, Faith Lutheran Church (Kitchener, ON)
- Rev. Alex Klages, Trinity & Zion Lutheran Parish (Winkler/Morden, MB)
- Cam Pelzer, Mount Olive Lutheran Church (Regina, SK)
- Rev. Kurt Reinhardt, Trinity Lutheran Church (Gowanstown, ON)
LCC is grateful for these individuals and their dedication and service to its Board of Directors.