Pray for Ukraine


UKRAINE – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is urging prayer following the invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces.

The nation has been invaded from three sides, according to media reports, with ground, air, and naval forces all participating. Shelling and airstrikes are reported in numerous places, and casualties are expected to rise.

“We call on all our members and congregations to pray for Ukraine,” said LCC President Timothy Teuscher. “Pray for an end to war and bloodshed in the region and the restoration of peace.”

Individuals and congregations are encouraged to use the following written prayer option:

Heavenly Father, God of all concord, it is Your gracious will that Your children on earth live together in harmony and peace.  Defeat the plans of all those who would stir up violence and strife, war, and bloodshed, and, according to Your will, end the current conflict that now rages in Ukraine. Protect those who are suffering and being displaced from their homes. Bring a restoration of calm and security, and heal the wounds that have been inflicted.

We especially commend to Your care and keeping our Lutheran Church–Canada missionary in Ukraine, Rev. Oleksiy Navrotskyy and his family; Bishop Alexander Yurchenko; and all the pastors and members of the congregations of the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine. Preserve them from all harm and danger. Grant them an extra measure of Your Holy Spirit at this time that they would remain steadfast in the one true faith in Him who is Lord and Saviour of all. In the midst of this conflict, empower them to reach out to others with the precious Gospel of God’s peace and love in Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Lutheran Church–Canada has been involved in mission work in Ukraine since 1993. Today, the church works in cooperation with the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine to provide seminary education, ministry in orphanages and prisons, and more.


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: February 24, 2022
Posted In: Feature Stories, Headline, International News,